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Chapter 3 – Commands Part 1

Let’s continue with the configuration of the Chat Server inside Config.txt…

The topic is simply a message that will appear to the side of the channel name in list on WinMX.
It can always be the same, for instance: /topic Paul’s Snack café. We always wait on you!
Or you can change it at anytime based on the current topic of conversation within the channel: "/topic Hurray the hiphop!!! "

The MOTD (message of the day) is the message given on entry to the channel. You can explain to visitors who enter your room whether to inquire themselves about your room or go to your website.
An example of motd:
/setmotd Hi welcome to our room for the best chat around!
This is the simplest motd that exists.

An Unknown Command is shown in the event that your broadband line fails. In the case that the reconnection to the chat server is not restarted automatically as would occur if your IP address changed, your channel name would need to be changed in the channel list. The command /channelname would keep on showing the old one. To apply the new name type:
/channelname reload
This command doesn’t do anything else other than to repeat the procedure of opening of the chat and converting our IP to hexadecimal (HEX). In fact on the server you will see that the public IP is "seeking" and the channel name immediately reflects those changes. You will notice that using the command /channelname the name now be updated)

On WinMX it is not possible to plan a format of personalized text. Everything shows in the following manner:
hi to everybody
On FXServer it is possible to configure the server to put whichever characters that we like around the nickname and in 38 different colors.
In the configuration file we will find the following:
/TextFormat 1=#c1#<$NAME $> #c1#$TEXT $
/TextFormat 2=#c1#"#c17 #$NAME $" #c1#$TEXT $
/TextFormat 3=#c1#[#c11 #$NAME $] #c1#$TEXT $
These are the default text formats. In the example above $NAME $ would become the username and $TEXT $ for the text that the user writes in the chat.
The server allows an undetermined number of text formats through password or login. We will just cover the first three formats as appears in the server configuration.
/DefaultFormat User=1
/DefaultFormat +=3
/DefaultFormat Admin=2
Format "1" is for the users.
In chat the above will read Text
Format "3" is for Agents (or collaborators of the admins).
In chat the above will read "#c17 #utenteAgent" Text (I will explain after thing it means #c17 #)
Format "2" is for the Admins.
In chat the above will read #c1#[#c11 #UtenteAdmin] Text
You can create other custom formats. Personally I have been able to create almost a hundred custom formats.
/TextFormat 4=#c1#{#c11 #$NAME $} #c1#$TEXT $
/TextFormat 5=#c1#{[#c11 #$NAME $]} #c1#$TEXT $
etc etc…

FX Guide ©2006,2007 TNT-Tony. English Translation by Calypso.

Chapter 4